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YUKIMASA IDA Crystallization 井田幸昌作品集

井田幸昌、20代の画業を一望する作品集 今年30歳を迎えた注目のアーティスト、井田幸昌の国内初となる作品集 。スターダムに駆け上がった20代の画業から約150点を掲載するほか、10メートルを超える大作《箱庭 -創造的な寓意-》を折り込みで収録。迫力ある筆致まで伝わる大判サイズで、その作品世界を贅沢に堪能できる。 “YUKIMASA IDA: Crystallization", the first domestic series of collected works by up and coming artist Yukimasa Ida, just turned 30,will be published by Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha on June 2nd. In addition to nearly 150 works he created in his 20s during his rush to stardom, the book will also include a fold-out of his masterwork Hakoniwa - Souzoteki na Guui (Miniature Garden - Creative Allegory -), over 10 meters in size. The large format tome showing the bold brushwork in detail will provide an extravagant chance to experience his world of art.

Isbn 10:4568105323
Isbn 13:978-4568105322
出版社 YUKIMASA IDA Crystallization 井田幸昌作品集:美術出版社