著者からの作品 Scott Dawson

世界の強さと揺るぎないものへの疑念がその再考につながり、Scott Dawsonの作品の文化において、世界と人間の死の中世の教義は、新しい科学の成果と空想的に組み合わされました。 Literature & Fiction, Children's Books, Growing Up & Facts of Lifeなどのカテゴリで。宇宙の無限大の概念は、壮大な宇宙の比率を獲得しているScott Dawsonの本の世界の絵のビジョンに根本的な変化をもたらしました。 Scott Dawsonの作品では、世界は永遠の荘厳な自然として理解されており、人間(取るに足らない砂粒)が同時にそれと融合し、それに反対しています。それは世界に溶けて、世界と社会の法則に従う粒子になるようです。同時に、Scott Dawsonの見解にある人は、彼を悪に導く無制限の情熱にさらされています。


I Survived the Attacks of September 11, 2001

から: Lauren Tarshis

On the day that shocks the world, one boy just wants to find his family. A powerful addition to the g

I Survived the Hindenburg Disaster 1937

から: Lauren Tarshis

New York Times bestselling author Lauren Tarshis provides a birds-eye view of one of America's most g

I Survived the California Wildfires 2018

から: Lauren Tarshis

California continues to be ravaged by devastating wildfires. Lauren Tarshis's heart pounding story te

I Survived the Battle of D-Day, 1944

から: Lauren Tarshis

Large Print?s increased font size and wider line spacing maximizes reading legibility, and has been p

I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941 (I Survived #4) (English Edition)

から: Lauren Tarshis

70 years later, the bombing of Pearl Harbor comes to life for a new generation of readers!History's m

I Survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871

から: Lauren Tarshis

Could an entire city really burn to the ground?Oscar Starling never wanted to come to Chicago. But th

I Survived the Children's Blizzard 1888

から: Lauren Tarshis

Bestselling author Lauren Tarshis tackles the Children's Blizzard of 1888 in this latest installment

I Survived the Attacks of September 11th, 2001 (I Survived #6) (English Edition)

から: Lauren Tarshis

On the day that shocks the world, one boy just wants to find his dad. A powerful addition to the grip

I Survived the Eruption of Mount St. Helens, 1980

から: Lauren Tarshis

The mountain exploded with the power of ten million tons of dynamite...Eleven-year-old Jessie Marlowe

I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005 (I Survived #3) (English Edition)

から: Lauren Tarshis

The horror of Hurricane Katrina is brought vividly to life in this fictional account of a boy, a dog,