ダウンロード 国立図書館 の中で L A Theatre Works; Unabridged版

L A Theatre Works; Unabridged版出版社の文献は、ムーブメント全体と同様に、形式が複雑になる傾向と、威厳と素晴らしさを追求する傾向が特徴です。 L A Theatre Works; Unabridged版文学は、世界と人間の不調和、彼らの悲劇的な反対、そして個人の魂の内面の闘争を理解しています。このため、世界と人間のビジョンはほとんどの場合悲観的です。同時に、L A Theatre Works; Unabridged版全般、特に彼の文学には、精神的原理の現実、力の偉大さへの信仰が浸透しています。出版社L A Theatre Works; Unabridged版は、当サイト全体で最も人気のあるカテゴリの1つです-Drama, Literature & Fiction, Arts & Photography, Performing Arts、および次の言語-。出版社L A Theatre Works; Unabridged版を検索すると、すでに9個の作品を見つけることができます。


The Norman Conquests: A Trilogy (L.A. Theatre Works Audio Theatre Collections)

から: Dennis Erdman

Three comedies, each taking place at the same time and in the same house but in different rooms cente

Boats on a River (L.A. Theatre Works Audio Theatre Collections)

から: Julie Marie Myatt

American expatriate Sidney Webb and Sister Margaret, his British colleague, work tirelessly to rehabi

The School For Wives (L.A. Theatre Works Audio Theatre Collections)

から: Richard Wilbur

L.A. Theatre Works' third Moliere play depicting middle aged man Arnolphe and his attempt to mold the

The Autumn Garden (L.A. Theatre Works Audio Theatre Collections)

から: David Clennon

A Chekhovian comedy from Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Lillian Hellman about the sad and funny fr

Speech and Debate

から: Andrea Bowen

SPEECH & DEBATE is a fiercely funny and surprisingly timely new play by new playwright Stephen Karam.

Middle of the Night

から: Paddy Chayefsky

An unforgettable story of true love about an older widower who falls in love with his young secretary

The Rivalry

から: Norman Corwin

Released in conjunction with the 200th anniversary of Lincoln’s birthday, The Rivalry recreates the f