
本 ジャンル Psychology ダウンロード

Jóvenes en la Universidad: Compilación de textos (Spanish Edition)

から: Sandra María Gómez

El escrito presenta una variedad de trabajos organizados sobre dos ejes, los jóvenes y la universidad

Essentials of Discursive Psychology (Essentials of Qualitative Methods) (English Edition)

から: Linda M. McMullen

The brief, practical texts in the Essentials of Qualitative Methods series introduce social science a

E-Z Psychology (Barron's Easy Way)

から: Nancy Melucci Ph.D.

This new E-Z title covers material as it is taught on a college-101 level. A brief history and over

Successful Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide for Beginners (English Edition)

から: Virginia Braun

*Shortlisted for the BPS Book Award 2014 in the Textbook Category* *Winner of the 2014 Distinguish

Introductory Psychology in Modules: Understanding Our Heads, Hearts, and Hands (English Edition)

から: Brett Pelham

Introductory Psychology in Modules: Understanding Our Heads, Hearts, and Hands is a unique and compre

Attachment-Focused EMDR: Healing Relational Trauma (English Edition)

から: Elena Felder

Integrating the latest in attachment theory and research into the use of EMDR. Much has been written

The Problems of Philosophy Illustrated

から: Bertrand Russell

The Problems of Philosophy is a 1912 book by the philosopher Bertrand Russell, in which the author at

Paperback - Adobe Photoshop For Beginners: 2021


Adobe Photoshop For Beginners 2021 is the first and only choice if you are new adopter and want to le

The Education of Corporal John Musgrave: A Memoir (English Edition)

から: John Musgrave

A Marine's searing and intimate memoir about surviving Vietnam and its aftermath.John Musgrave had a

Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders: A Practical Guide

から: Adrian Wells

Cognitive therapies are based on the idea that behavior and emotions result largely from an individua

Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis

から: Jon S. Bailey

Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis, 2nd edition, is a practical text that provides the beg

Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Practices for Safe and Transformative Healing

から: Willoughby Britton

From elementary schools to psychotherapy offices, mindfulness meditation is an increasingly mainstrea

Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application

から: Curt R. Bartol

Written by authors with extensive experience in the field and in the classroom, Introduction to Foren
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