
本 ジャンル Social Sciences ダウンロード

Decolonising the Camera: Photography in Racial Time

から: Mark Sealy

Decolonising the Camera trains Mark Sealy's sharp critical eye on the racial politics at work within

Violence: The Enduring Problem

から: Alexander C. Alvarez

Inspired by the fear of pervasive violence in the world, authors Alex Alvarez and Ronet Bachman addre

Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology

から: Timothy Christopher Hart

Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology connects key concepts to real field research and

Victimology: The Essentials

から: Leah Elizabeth Daigle

Victimology: The Essentials, Second Edition, is a comprehensive yet concise core textbook that explor

The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison

から: Jeffrey Reiman

For nearly 40 years, this classic text has taken the issue of economic inequality seriously and asked

Criminology: A Sociological Introduction

から: Eamonn Carrabine

Comprehensive, critical and accessible, Criminology: A Sociological Introduction offers an authoritat

A Prison Diary Volume III: Heaven (The Prison Diaries, 3)

から: Jeffrey Archer

The final volume of Jeffrey Archer’s prison diaries, A Prison Diary Volume III: Heaven, covers the pe

Revolutionaries and Reformers in Lao Buddhism (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism)

から: Patrice Ladwig

Laos remains one of the few officially socialist countries in the world. Once a Buddhist kingdom, its

On Intersectionality: Essential Writings

から: Kimberlé Crenshaw

A major publishing event, the collected writings of the groundbreaking scholar who "first coined inte

Worm: A Cuban American Odyssey

から: Edel Rodriguez

From “America’s illustrator in chief” (Fast Company), a stunning graphic memoir of a childhood in Cub

Introduction to Mediation: A Regression-Based Approach (Methodology in the Social Sciences)

から: Kenneth Kunz

Acclaimed for its thorough presentation of mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis, t

Handbuch Informationsmanagement Und Dokumentation Im Museum (De Gruyter Reference)

から: Monika Hagedorn-Saupe

Dieses Handbuch ermöglicht erstmals einen Überblick über Informationsmanagement und Dokumentation im

Schadenspravention Im Bibliotheksalltag (Bibliotheks und Informationspraxis, 51)

から: Ulrike Hahner

Bestandserhaltung sollte als eine weitere Kernaufgabe der Bibliotheken neben Erwerben, Ordnen und Ver

能识人,会说话 一本书搞定职场社交 为人处事的智慧沟通技巧社交常识人际交往心理学现代商务社交礼仪书籍办公室酒局潜规则应酬学

から: 余安 汪洋


大学4年間の社会学が10時間でざっと学べる (角川文庫)

から: 出口 剛司


Circus Songs: An Annotated Anthology

から: William E Studwell

Circus Songs: An Annotated Anthology provides musicians and librarians with the musical scores of 85

Discovering Statistics Using R and RStudio

から: Andy Field

Taking you on a voyage of discovery through R and RStudio, this completely updated second edition com
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