邪馬台国 卑弥呼4: 弥生時代の太宰府天満宮 ダウンロード

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We look for ruins around Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine during the Late Yayoi period of Japan, during Queen Himiko age (AD183-249). However, there are no remains of the Yayoi period of Japan in spite of the small plains along "藍染川" of Dazaifu city of FUKUOKA prefecture of Japan. It is the same as "御笠地区" Remains of series 1. To make matters worse, there is nothing in the Kofun period of Japan.There is nothing too much, so let's take a closer look at Cylinder Seal pottery from the previous Jomon period of Japan. It was excavated in large numbers at "原遺跡" (HARU) and "宝満山遺跡" 23th in Chikushino City of FUKUOKA prefecture of Japan, just east of Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. There are traces of life that continue until the end of the Jomon period of Japan.However, the next archaeological site will appear in the Later Heian period of Japan. This is Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, which is related to "菅原道真公". From the excavation survey, "菅原道真公" was assigned to Dazaifu and died in disappointment at the beginning of the 10th century, and prosperity will resume dramatically from now on. We can see that the remaining folklore in Dazaifu Tenmangu is quite accurate. Then, we will look at the progress of prosperity in this era from excavations.English Editon is ASIN : B083WM1956 in Amazon.com.

著者 :Good News Player
によって公開 :2020/9/22
ファイルサイズ 邪馬台国 卑弥呼4: 弥生時代の太宰府天満宮:18371 KB